Here are a few photos from Foligno, where we spent four or five days:
Barrier motor, Foligno, May 1990
Italian electrical points lock their blades inside the points machine. This is typical for most countries, with the exception of a few central European ones like Germany, Switzerland and Austria, where the blades are locked to the stock rails directly at the tip of the point (however, this seems to change in recent installations in Austria):
Points machine, Foligno, May 1990
The following picture, on the other hand, shows a set of points without any blade locks. For the normal position, a key lock asserts that the blade is kept at the stock rail; for the reverse position, the points have to be traversed slowly:
Points without blade locks, Foligno, May 1990
Here, one can see the lock mounted to the right stock rail:
Lock, Foligno, May 1990
Italian signals are placed to the left of the track. Frequently, they are placed on gantries or signal bridges. The triangles below some signals indicate a slow route over diverging points:
Starting signals, Foligno, May 1990
Finally, here is a picture of a typical Italian locomotive with three bogies:
E636 038, Foligno, May 1990