Saturday, June 29, 2024

A few pictures of the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail, 2024

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Without too much ado ...

Hudson-Bergen Light Rail, Jersey City, 27.2.2024

Three trains in one picture:

Hudson-Bergen Light Rail, Jersey City, 27.2.2024

Hudson-Bergen Light Rail, Jersey City, 27.2.2024

Hudson-Bergen Light Rail, Jersey City, 27.2.2024

NJT bridge over Jersey Street, Jersey City, 27.2.2024

"Motors" was the American term for electric traction vehicles. The sign with the punched-out inscription "Motors stop" marks the end of the catenary on the southernmost track over the bridge (which used to be a siding and now ends after a few hundred feet):

NJT bridge over Jersey Street, Jersey City, 27.2.2024

NJT bridge over Jersey Street, Jersey City, 27.2.2024

A short distance after the bridge, the railroad line disappears into the Bergen Tunnels. Above them are two "substations"—I don't think these are substations for railroad operations; rather transformers for operating facilities in the tunnels:

Bergen Tunnel Substation

Near 2nd Street in Hoboken, the Light Rail has a double crossover protected by signals:

Double crossover, 2nd Street station, Jersey City, 27.2.2024

Here you can see the two opposite signals coming from Hoboken Terminal:

Signals, 2nd Street station, Jersey City, 27.2.2024

Switch machines:

Double crossover, 2nd Street station, Jersey City, 27.2.2024

Double crossover, 2nd Street station, Jersey City, 27.2.2024

The crossing has moveable frogs:

Crossing of double crossover, 2nd Street station, Jersey City, 27.2.2024

Crossing of double crossover, 2nd Street station, Jersey City, 27.2.2024

The outer frogs of the crossing, and those of the switches, do not move:

Double crossover, 2nd Street station, Jersey City, 27.2.2024

Finally, a look at a signal at the junction towards Exchange Place, where we had to wait for an opposing yellow line train:

Junction near Hobokem Terminal, Hoboken, 27.2.2024

Junction near Hobokem Terminal, Hoboken, 27.2.2024

Pictures of the Hoboken Terminal of the Erie Lackawanna Railroad will be next!

Translated partially with (free version)

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