Saturday, June 29, 2024

Central Park Carousel 1993 and 2024

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Let me continue with 1993 pictures of another machine:

Central Park Carousel, New York, 1993

Central Park Carousel, New York, 1993

Central Park Carousel, New York, 1993

Central Park Carousel, New York, 1993

Central Park Carousel, New York, 1993

Central Park Carousel, New York, 1993

I only took two pictures of the Waldkirch Ruth&Sohn fairground organ ("band organ"), which are not very informative. On the first picture one you can at least see the roll changer, which (according to Wikipedia) was replaced by a MIDI control in 2023:

Central Park Carousel, New York, 1993

Central Park Carousel, New York, 1993

Central Park Carousel, New York, 1993

I was there a second (and probably last) time in 2024, but the organ was not operating:

Central Park Carousel, New York, 26.2.2024

Central Park Carousel, New York, 26.2.2024

Central Park Carousel, New York, 26.2.2024

Translated mainly with (free version)

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