Saturday, June 29, 2024

PATH trains, Journal Square, Jersey City, 2024

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I return to this year and show a few pictures and videos of trains, signals and switches of the PATH system at Journal Square in Jersey City. Here is a view of a train arriving from Newark:

PATH Journal Square Yard, Jersey City, 25.2.2024

I took the previous picture through the (too) narrow grid of the Hudson County Boulevard Bridge, which spans this depot:

Hudson County Boulevard Bridge, Jersey City, 25.2.2024

Hudson County Boulevard Bridge, Jersey City, 25.2.2024

Here are a few more pictures showing the model railroad-like steep turnouts and extremely short cars of this mass transit system:

PATH Journal Square Yard, Jersey City, 25.2.2024

PATH Journal Square Yard, Jersey City, 25.2.2024

PATH Journal Square Yard, Jersey City, 25.2.2024

The following video shows the reversal of a pneumatic switch—a "model railroad-like" event, because the switch machine reverses the points with a short, hard stroke:

Reversing of pneumatic switch, PATH Journal Square, Jersey City, 25.2.2024

PATH uses mechanical trips as a safety system to prevent trains from overrunning stop signals. Here, such a trip is lifted to the triggering position:

Trip, PATH Journal Square, Jersey City, 25.2.2024

On one track, there is a lifting barrier, probably due to a construction site access. The following video shows how it opens after an exit:

Ausfahrt, PATH Journal Square, Jersey City, 25.2.2024

Here are two pictures of the flashing signal towards Newark on track 4:

PATH Journal Square, Jersey City, 25.2.2024

PATH Journal Square, Jersey City, 25.2.2024

And here is the corresponding signal on track 3:

PATH Journal Square, Jersey City, 25.2.2024

Finally a flat car under the arches of the Hudson County Boulevard Bridge

PATH Journal Square, Jersey City, 25.2.2024

Translated partially with (free version)

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